*Initial /One time Phone consultation
*In Home or Virtual 1 hour consultation $60.00
* 1 Month unlimited text $60.00
*In Home or Virtual personal prenatal breastfeeding class
Silver Package
*includes Phone consultation and unlimited text
Bronze Package
*In Home prenatal class and In Home postnatal consultation
Gold Package
*includes all of the above
Consultation :
Can be done in 1 hour increments In Home or Virtually.
*In Home or Virtual consultation 1 hour on ALL topics$60.00
Topics include, but are not limited to
Prenatal exercise
Prenatal Yoga
Birth Planning
Comfort Measures during labor
Partner support
Planning the Nursery
Child Birth Education
Postnatal exercise
'4th Trimester' Care
Car seat safety
Bottle feeding/Pace feeding
Newborn care
Child Development
Ages + Stages
Infant Activities
Bronze Package
*Initial consultation, 1 prenatal visit, birth plan, attending of birth, breastfeeding assistance in hospital during golden hour
Silver Package
* Includes the above And an additional prenatal visit, unlimited calls/text up until birth, 1 free prenatal yoga or Dancing for Birth session
Gold Package
*Includes all of the above And a postpartum visit, unlimited calls/text for a month after birth, breastfeeding consultation
PregnancyReiki :
* 1 hour of Reiki massage and mediation to prepare your body, mind and baby for birth
@ Mommy Strong
in your home price is based on travel distance